our services

from value management to concept design, development approval to construction period services - you can feel confident knowing you are getting high-quality design solutions, advice and support you can trust.

architectural services

concept & schematic design

we confirm your brief, consider the opportunities & constraints of your site, and then prepare all of the necessary documents for your consideration.

once you’re happy with the design concept, we refine the design with formal drawings and external advice.

development approvals

working with some of the best planners Australia has to offer, we can advise if your project requires a Development Approval.

we then coordinate the process and work to prepare an application to council.

design development

the design is further refined with detail and coordinated with consultants & trade advice.

building approvals

at this point, we need to ensure the documentation complies with the building codes and seek approval for the construction of your building from the relevant authorities through to the building certifier.

construction documentation & construction period services

a detailed set of drawings and specifications are prepared so that tenders can be sought, a contract signed, and the project built.

whilst building is a complex and sometimes long process; our role is to provide the professional support necessary for you to feel at ease throughout the process.

animation, design, & rendering services

we can offer multiple forms of rendering services, from photo-realistic marketing photos to 3D walk-throughs of your project.

interior design services

stu+FF studio's team members have provided interior design services in over twenty different countries; from working on 5-star hotels & resorts to magazine-worthy home interiors, we make sure we always elevate your brief.

value management services

with over 50 years’ experience in the development industry, our team knows how to make your project more cost effective.

no matter what project, every single project we have done we have improved the current scheme & made it more worthwhile to do.

see some examples below of what we can do to help below.

oran park

estimated savings - $35 million

  • Re-designed existing scheme to improve efficiency.

  • Over 150 apartments, 6-storeys of residential.

  • stu+FF added 30 extra apartments (5 apartments per floor) & maintained Net Saleable Area.

  • Reduced core area by 98m2 per floor, whilst the circulation was re-configured to increase efficiency.

  • Reduced façade perimeter by 381m2 per floor, building footprint by 170m2 per floor, & gross enclosed building area by 159m2 per floor.

  • Added 106 additional car spaces in the same floor area, or 7 additional spaces in ¾ of the area (reducing area per Car by 5m2).

strata se1 tower, london

estimated savings - $113 million

•43-storey, multi-award-winning development, completed in 2010 by Richard as Director of Development and Design Strategy at Brookfield Multiplex.

•Redesigned by Richard to make the core & apartment layout more efficient.

•Initial construction estimates for the original design were £125 million, Richard’s plan reduced this to £114 million.

•Added Saleable value of over £25 million. due to the reconfiguration of the core and internal layout.

south hurstville

estimated savings - $22 million

  • Re-designed an entire DA-approved scheme to improve efficiency.

  • Improved apartment efficiency & over 10% increase in NSA.

  • Removed entire level of basement, reducing over 2000m2 of car parking area – with more car parks in fewer levels. Saving over 7000m3 of excavation in rock.

  • Removed all structural transfers throughout development; & re-designed Façade & Core to minimize construction cost.

church street

estimated savings - $17 million

  • Re-designed an entire DA-approved scheme to improve efficiency.

  • Originally plans were approved at 17-storeys high, we managed to reduce the building to 12-storeys, whilst increasing Net Saleable Area.

  • Increased the number of units & Net Saleable Area by over 15%.

  • Removed all structural transfers throughout; re-designed Façade & Core to minimize construction cost.

  • Reduced car parking by 1-storey, removing an entire level of excavation – also increasing the number of car parks.


crescent parklands masterplan

estimated savings - $230 million

  • Re-designed large-scale housing masterplan of a neighborhood near Parramatta.

    •Over 1,200 apartments, comprising 7 residential towers, up to 28-storeys on the tallest tower.

  • stu+FF’s scheme removed 2 parking floors, whilst adding more than 500 additional car parks (reducing area per car space by 8.3m2).

  • Reduced core inefficiency by centralizing lifts, stairwells, & straightening corridors. stu+FF’s scheme reduced core area by 177.84m2 per floor, across the entire site.

  • Increased Net Saleable Area by 239m2 perfloor, across the entire site. Potential addition of more than 100 apartments. We improved efficiency through vastly improved cross-ventilation & solar access.

  • Net Salable Area increased by 239m2 per typical floor across the site - more than 3,300m2 of additional NSA.

  • Core Area reduced by 178m2 per typical floor across the site, more than 2,400m2 of Core Area saved.

  • Gross Floor Area reduced by 556m2 per typical floor across the site – more than 7,700m2 of GEBA saved.

  • Building Footprint reduced by 1,835m2 per typical floor across the site – more than 25,000m2 of Footprint saved.

  • Gross Enclosed Building Area reduced by 649m2 per typical floor across the site – more than 8,900m2 of GEBA saved.

looking for more value in your project?